Marketing Strategy

Volume horaire
1 journée | 8 heures

Dates et créneaux
18 Novembre 2023

En présentiel

Objectifs de la formation
Contenu de la formation
  • Defining Marketing for the 21st Century & Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans
  • Gathering Information and Scanning the Environment – Conducting Marketing Research and Forecasting Demand – Case Study: Psion
  • Conducting Marketing Research – Seminar 1/Assignment Focus
  • Marketing Planning : combining the marketing mix
  • Identifying Market Segments and Targets -Case Study: iPhone
  • Creating Brand Equity Vedio Case Study: The modern definition of brand, How brands create barriers to competition and Why charismatic brands are more valuable – (Marty Neumeier’s INNOVATION WORKSHOP: Brand Strategy + Design Thinking = Transformation)
  • Crafting the Brand Positioning – Group Seminar-2
  • Dealing with Competition – Setting Product Strategy – Case Study: Emap
  • Designing and Managing Services – Developing Pricing Strategies and Programmes
  • Managing Value Networks and Channels
  • Managing Mass Communications – Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications – Guest Speaker: Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy and Management
  • Global Marketing Strategy Decision
Public cible
Professionnels et étudiants ambitieux, passionnés du monde des affaires, et souhaitant développer leurs compétences académiques et techniques.

357 DT TTC

(+216) 55 31 00 31 |

Académie de Développement des Compétences

Rue du Lac d’Annecy,
Les Berges du Lac 1053,
Tunis, Tunisie


(+216) 55 31 00 31